Corvus Health IT Hub

Corvus Health IT Hub SM

IT Hub people

EHR/HIT Help Desk for Sales, Maketing & Support Teams

In today’s medical practice, hospital or integrated delivery system, EHRs and Health IT are the systems that enable care. So, when your salesforce encounters obstacles related to these technologies and tools, they can spend countless hours trying to address those problems and concerns, often in unproductive and even non-compliant ways. To prevent this – while effectively addressing those questions and concerns so that your product can find success – you need a resource with the skills and experience to handle EHR and Health IT questions from the field, brand teams, and other support personnel quickly, accurately, and without breaking the bank.

The Corvus Health IT Hub is just that solution.

Our Health IT Hub solution was designed at the specific request of clients who were using existing “EHR Help Desk” services but found them either incomplete or staffed and supervised by personnel lacking life science or healthcare experience. To meet those customer needs, we created our unique solution to support either brand-level or enterprise-level sales, marketing and support functions during both the critical post-launch period and/or throughout the product life cycle.

Our email-based contact and tracking system encourages representatives and other company personnel to use existing sales tools (e.g., tablet computers) while ensuring proper documentation and avoiding safety issues (e.g., calls while driving). Questions about health IT that would have otherwise distracted these personnel from their core duties can instead by answered quickly and efficiently, or further researched by our experienced staff. And for those cases where the problem looks like a problem caused by the EHR, but is really something else, we can help you redirect your personnel toward activities that address the real problem instead of spending countless unproductive hours trying to fix a mythical EHR problem.

The Health IT Hub is available for engagements as short as three months or, more commonly, as a critical part of a company’s ongoing support system. Contact us today to learn more.

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