A Speciality Product Launch in a Competitive Market

  • A manufacturer planned to launch a fourth-to-market specialty medication and needed to understand how therapeutic categorization within pricing compendia would likely influence prescribing and coverage of their new product.
  • Because our team subscribes to all major pricing compendia (a total of five different sources) we were able to investigate numerous analogous situations and competitive product listings that were already being used to inform decisions by prescribers and payers.
  • This investigation allowed us to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations to the manufacturer that informed the product launch strategies of their pricing, sales, and marketing teams.
  • We were also able to assist the manufacturer in creating appropriate compendia submissions that helped prescribers more easily understand the dosing benefits of the product while mitigating the risk of unnecessary step-edit approvals by payers.
  • The product was published by the various compendia per our recommendations and predictions, and launched smoothly throughout all major EHR and payer systems – meeting or exceeding the manufacturer’s forecasts.
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